The start of 1st intake of Marlborough College is approaching very quickly and development of the school campus is well underway. Bringing it's British tradition established since 1843, the Malaysian campus is built on a 90-acre site, equipped with cricket ground, 50-meter swimming pool, sports hall, arts classes and more.
Famous Old Marlburians (alumni) include the Middleton family, most famous being Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine Middleton. See if you could recognise anyone else
In a recent interview with Robert Pick, Founding Master of the MY college, he mentioned that the purpose of establishing an overseas campus was not only to offer access to a leading English independent co-educational boarding school but also to build cultural and social bridges. “We intend to have student and staff exchanges between campuses to provide exposure to different cultures and socio-economic climes for members of our school,” he said.
Read more on this interview article